GMAT Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern, Section-Wise Syllabus PDF

by Naseeb Aug. 28, 2024 4422

GMAT Syllabus 2024: GMAT Focus Edition is a popular computer-based test used by top business schools worldwide for admissions. The scores from GMAT Focus are accepted by over 7000 programs across 2300 colleges and universities. Recently, GMAT introduced a new version called GMAT Focus Edition 2024 which focuses on higher-order critical reasoning skills and data literacy relevant to tomorrow’s business environment. This change has created excitement among students, although it also brings partial changes in the exam pattern, topics' weightage, and test-taking approach. In this article, we will talk about the GMAT focus syllabus of the new version.

What is GMAT Syllabus 2024?

SectionsTypes of Questions
Quantitative ReasoningAlgebra, Arithmetic
Verbal ReasoningCritical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension
Data InsightsData Sufficiency, Table Analysis, Multi-source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation, Two-Part Analysis

Also Check, GMAT Focus Edition Syllabus 2024

GMAT Exam Pattern 2024

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) released the GMAT Focus Edition on 7 November 2023 but there were several changes to the exam pattern. Check out the complete GMAT Focus exam pattern below:

SectionDurationNumber Of QuestionsScore
Quantitative Reasoning45 Minutes2160-90
Verbal Reasoning45 Minutes2360-90
Data Insights45 Minutes2060-90
Total2 Hours 15 Minutes64205-805

GMAT Syllabus 2024: Section-Wise Complete Syllabus

The new format has three parts instead of four. They took out the Analytical Writing Assessment part. Now, there are three parts: Data Insights (used to be Integrated Reasoning), Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. The Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning parts are like what's in the GMAT now. But there's a new part called Data Insights. It's there to see if you're good with data analysis and numbers. We will discuss the syllabus of each section below:

1. GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Syllabus

In the GMAT Focus Edition, the Quantitative Aptitude section has 21 multiple-choice questions. These questions are from algebra and arithmetic only and about how you solve problems. You need to finish all 21 questions in 45 minutes. This section now has Problem-Solving questions only as the data sufficiency questions are removed. It's all about testing your math skills and how well you understand basic math concepts.

GMAT Syllabus 2024: Arithmetic 

1. Properties Of Integers
2. Fractions
3. Decimals
4. Real Numbers
5. Ratio and Proportions
6. Percentages
7. Powers and Roots of Numbers
8. Descriptive Statistics
9. Counting Methods
10. Discrete Probability
11. Sets
12. Profit and Loss, Discount

GMAT Syllabus 2024: Algebra 

1. Simplifying of Algebraic Expressions
2. Equations
3. Solving Linear Equations With One Unknown
4. Solving Two Linear Equations With Two Unknowns
5. Solving Equations by Factoring
6. Solving Quadratic Equations
7. Exponents
8. Inequalities
9. Absolute Value
10. Functions

Important Notes:

  • This section no longer asks Data Sufficiency & Geometry Questions.
  • Questions are asked from Arithmetic and Algebra alone.
  • A calculator is not allowed in this section.

2. GMAT Verbal Reasoning Syllabus

In the Verbal Reasoning section of GMAT Focus Edition, there are 23 questions about Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning. The Reading Comprehension questions check if you understand the main idea and arguments, see the connections between important points, make assumptions, and follow the ideas. These questions want to see if you can find the main ideas, figure things out, use what you know, understand how it's written, and see the style of writing.

Reading Comprehension in GMAT Focus Edition Syllabus



    Reading Comprehension

    • A reading comprehension (RC) is provided, followed by questions on drawing inferences, understanding the logical relations between main points, identifying supporting ideas, and analysing the logical structure.
    • Other Questions are based on the main idea, supporting ideas, inferences, context, style, tone, etc.
    • The RC might be about topics such as social sciences, humanities, sciences (like physics or biology), or business topics.

    Critical Reasoning in GMAT Focus Edition Syllabus



    Critical Reasoning
    • A short paragraph, generally less than 100 words, is followed by questions about strengthening or weakening arguments, identifying flaws, and supporting or undermining statements.
    • These questions test how well you can make arguments, judge arguments, and come up with or judge plans based on shorter passages.

    Important Note:  There are no more Sentence Correction questions in this section in the GMAT Focus Syllabus.

      3. GMAT Data Insights Syllabus

      This is a new part added to the Data Interpretation section of GMAT. This section has 20 questions that you need to answer in 45 minutes. It tests how well you can understand and analyze data. You can use an on-screen calculator for all the questions in this part. This new section combines ideas from the integrated reasoning and data sufficiency topics from before. Check out the detailed questions asked in the Data Insights sections below table:



        Multi-source Reasoning
        • You have to analyze and synthesize information from various sources like charts, texts, and tables. This involves identifying relationships, drawing inferences, and evaluating arguments based on the data presented.
        • Another key aspect is problem-solving through interpreting data and drawing logical conclusions. This requires understanding the data's relevance, identifying patterns, and applying critical thinking skills to make informed decisions or solve complex problems.
        Table Analysis
        • You have to extract information from Graphics such as Scatter Plot, X/Y Graphs, Bar Chart, Pie Chart or Statistical Curve Distribution.
        • You need to analyze and interpret data presented in tables. This includes identifying trends, comparing data points, and drawing conclusions based on the information provided.
        Graphics Interpretation
        • You need to interpret information presented in graphical formats such as charts, graphs, and diagrams + understand trends, correlations, and patterns depicted in the graphics.
        • Furthermore, have strong analytical and problem-solving skills by utilizing the graphical data to answer questions or make decisions.
        Two-part Analyses
        • It checks if the candidate can tackle intricate problems that may involve quantitative, verbal, or a mix of both elements. It isdesigned for various content, assessing trade-offs and solving equations.
        • This part is a combination of Quant or Verbal or Anyone Alone + Solving Simultaneous Equation + Finding Relationships

        Also Read, GMAT Registration 2024

        GMAT Syllabus 2024 FAQs

        Q1. Are CAT and GMAT syllabus the same?

        Ans. Not Completely. CAT & GMAT have different syllabi. CAT is for Indian business schools, covering Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. GMAT tests Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. You can check how to prepare for the CAT & GMAT Simultaneously here.

        Q2. What is the difference between GMAT and GMAT Focus syllabus?

        Ans. GMAT Focus has a condensed syllabus, focusing on critical reasoning and data interpretation unlike the comprehensive GMAT syllabus.

        Q3. Is ISB Accepting GMAT Focus Editon?

        Ans. Yes. ISB will consider Focus Edition Scores for admission in the 2024-25 batch. However, admissions through the latest version will start only from Round 2.

        Q4. Is GMAT Focus Edition easier?

        Ans. GMAT Focus Edition is not easier but is more focused. It targets specific skills and areas, providing a concentrated assessment compared to the broader scope of the full GMAT exam.

        Q5.Does Harvard accept GMAT Focus?

        Ans. Yes. Harvard accepts Focus Edition Scores for Admission but only from April 2024 for the 2+2 Admissions.