5 Ultimate Tips To Get 700+ In GMAT

Ultimate Tips To Get 700+ In GMAT

As an aspiring MBA candidate, achieving a score of 700 or above on the GMAT is crucial for gaining admission into a top business school. However, with the vast amount of study materials available, developing an effective study plan can take time and effort. This is why, according to GMAC, only 12% of the students score more than 700 on the test. In this blog post, we will discuss how to score 700+ on the GMAT. 

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Why Do You Need A 700+ score?

A GMAT score of 700 or higher would improve your chances of getting into your dream b-school. Here are some important reasons why aiming for a high GMAT score is essential:

  1. Necessary for Applying to Top B-Schools: Many top business schools require a GMAT score of 700 or above for admission. Achieving this score can help you meet the minimum requirement and increase your chances of acceptance into a highly-ranked business school.
  2. Makes Your Application Stronger: A high GMAT score can make your application stand out in a competitive pool of applicants. Admission committees use GMAT scores to assess an applicant’s academic ability and potential for success in a rigorous MBA program. A high score can demonstrate your academic excellence and potential to excel in a business school environment.
  3. Provides Opportunities for Merit Scholarships: Many business schools offer merit-based scholarships to students with exceptional GMAT scores. A high GMAT score can help you qualify for these scholarships, significantly reducing business school costs.
  4. Offers Job Opportunities: A high GMAT score can also open job opportunities after graduation. Employers often consider GMAT scores when evaluating job candidates for positions that require strong analytical skills and strategic thinking. A high score can demonstrate your ability to excel in these areas and make you a more competitive candidate for top job opportunities.

Now, let us see five essential tips to score 700+ on the GMAT

First Tip: Take Your Time

There is a famous quote – “It takes twenty years to become an overnight success.” Although you will not need twenty years to get a 700+ score, you will need to spend enough time to ace the exam. On average, a 700+ scorer spends 4-6 months preparing for the exam. 

You should find out where your strengths and, more importantly, weaknesses lie. Find out how much you need to prepare to get to 700, then estimate how much time and effort is required. 

An excellent way to figure out all this is to give a mock diagnostic test, available for free on the official GMAT website. After the mock test, analyze your strengths and weaknesses and get to work.

Second Tip: Consistency is Key

GMAT is not an exam you can cram. You need to learn the basics, and practice problems and concepts you need to improve in. This is the only way to improve your verbal and quantitative skills. For this, in the six months you have allotted to GMAT, you must practice every day within those six months. 

An excellent tool for students to achieve consistency is taking the Free Daily Targets by GMATPoint. In Daily Targets, you will get 5 Verbal and 5 Quants problems of GMAT level daily and have to solve them within a limited time. You can check the detailed video solutions & text solutions provided after you take the test. This will help you build better habits and will also help you build concepts of topics in which you are uncomfortable.

A good way to ensure consistency is to make a short-term and long-term routine for your preparation. Your short-term routine is made at the beginning of each week and consists of your study goals for each day of the week. Your long-term plan consists of the entire preparation duration and how you devote all four to six months to different topics, giving your entire preparation an overall structure.

It is also recommended that you create study goals based on specific accomplishments rather than the time you spend studying. For example, set a goal that you will solve ten problems of ratios instead of setting a goal that you will study QA for an hour. 

Third Tip: Give Mocks and Analyze

It is crucial for you to give mocks right from the beginning of your preparation. Mocks are, arguably, the only way you can significantly improve your score on GMAT. However, there is a caveat: simply giving mocks is not enough. You need to analyze each and every question of every mock. 

Mock analysis serves two purposes: First, it will show you where you are going wrong and where you have done well, and second, it will make you practice problems from a set of diverse questions from the entire syllabus while analyzing the mock. Both aspects are crucial and make mocks indispensable in your GMAT preparation.

You can start by giving a free mock by GMAC on their official website. You will get two free GMAT Mocks when you register for the GMAT exam, after which you need to pay to get more mock tests.

While giving mocks, it is also important to simulate the exam environment to the greatest extent possible. When you schedule a mock test, make sure that you give the mock test in an ambient environment with a clear frame of mind.

Fourth Tip: Finish Each Section

While giving the exam, you will encounter questions where you think you can find the answer, but it keeps escaping you. These questions are time guzzlers. The best thing to do while solving them is to give them an honest try, after which, if you cannot find a solution, guess the answer and quickly move on to the next question. 

Perfectionism is the greatest enemy of a good GMAT score. When you try to attempt each question with absolute certainty, you risk not completing a section, which will cause your overall scores to drop significantly. Hence it is always better to guess and move on to the next question than to remain stuck trying to find the correct answer. 

Fifth Tip: Believe in Yourself

This may sound obvious and trivial, but it is probably the most essential step. GMAT preparation is an arduous process that will take a lot from you. You will have both good and bad times. As you’d be working alongside GMAT prep, you will also need to sacrifice your sleep or your social life in exchange for study time. The most important thing that will carry you through all these adversities is your belief in yourself and the 

‘The Why’, which made you decide to prepare for GMAT in the first place. 

All the best!

For further queries regarding GMAT preparation, reach out to us at support@gmatpoint.com.

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