Introduction To GMAT Verbal Reasoning (With Solved Examples)

GMAT Verbal reasoning Introduction with solved examples

The GMAT Verbal Reasoning section consists of three types of questions: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction. This section is computer adaptive and will contribute to your composite score; hence it is extremely important to score well in this section. The Verbal Reasoning section consists of 36 multiple-choice questions, which must be completed in 65 minutes. 

We will look at all the three topics in this section with their respective examples. All of these questions have been picked from the Daily Target of GMATPoint. These Daily Targets are an excellent tool for students preparing for GMAT; here, you will get five questions each on verbal and quants daily, for free, along with their video solutions. 

Alright, let’s get started!

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Reading Comprehension

In the Reading Comprehension section, you will be given a passage which you are expected to read and subsequently answer given inferential questions. 


Acting out dreams marks a disorder that occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. Called RBD, for REM sleep behaviour disorder, it affects an estimated 0.5 to 1.25 per cent of the general population and is more commonly reported in older adults, particularly men. Apart from being hazardous to dreamers and their partners, RBD may foreshadow neurodegenerative disease, primarily synucleinopathies—conditions in which the protein α-synuclein forms toxic clumps in the brain.

Not all nocturnal behaviours are RBD. Sleepwalking and sleep talking, which occur more often during childhood and adolescence, take place during non-REM sleep. This difference is clearly distinguishable in a sleep laboratory, where clinicians can monitor stages of sleep to see when a person moves. When RBD occurs in the absence of these alternative explanations, the chance of future disease is high. Some epidemiological studies suggest that enacted dreaming predicts a more than 80 percent chance of developing a neurodegenerative disease within the patient’s lifetime. It may also be the first sign of neurodegenerative disease, which on average shows up within 10 to 15 years after onset of the dream disorder.

One of the most common RBD-linked ailments is Parkinson’s disease, characterized mainly by progressive loss of motor control. Another is Lewy body dementia, in which small clusters of α-synuclein called Lewy bodies build up in the brain, disrupting movement and cognition. A third type of synucleinopathy, multiple system atrophy, interferes with both movement and involuntary functions such as digestion. RBD is one of the strongest harbingers of future synucleinopathy, more predictive than other early markers such as chronic constipation and a diminished sense of smell.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the correlation between RBDs and synucleinopathies?

  1. Researchers today mostly rely on a range of other markers, such as diminished smell and motor control, to determine the susceptibility to synucleinopathies.
  2. RBD-linked ailments such as Parkinson’s could have multiple trigger points that include but are not limited to, advancing age, head trauma, environmental factors, and genetics.
  3. Determining RBD in conventional clinical setups is challenging because monitoring sleep patterns tend to be erratic and inconsistent over a given span of time.
  4. Over the past decade, nocturnal behaviour such as sleepwalking have been observed in REM stages in adults in the age group 30-50, and have often been indicative of neurodegenerative diseases.
  5. RBD can be triggered by certain drugs such as antidepressants or caused by other underlying conditions such as narcolepsy or a brain stem tumour

The correct answer is option E.

  • Option E weakens the correlation the most: If RBD can be triggered by other factors, such as certain drugs or underlying medical conditions, then it would weaken the correlation between
  • RBDs and synucleinopathy, as it suggests that RBD can also be caused by other factors. This would reduce the predictive value of RBD as a marker for neurodegenerative disease, making it less clear that RBD is specifically associated with synucleinopathy.
  • The other options do not necessarily weaken the correlation between RBDs and synucleinopathy:
  • Options A and B do not necessarily mean that RBD is not a significant predictor of these diseases but rather that there are other markers that may be used in conjunction with RBD to make a diagnosis.
  • Option C suggests that RBD may still be a strong predictor of synucleinopathy but that its diagnosis may be difficult in some settings.
  • Option D does not weaken the correlation between RBDs and synucleinopathy but rather suggests that other nocturnal behaviours may also be indicative of these diseases.

Hence, Option E is the correct choice.

You can check out all the remaining questions with video solutions here. You will be expected to solve all the given questions for every passage. You should be able to solve an RC passage in around 8-9 minutes or less. Through consistent practice, you will improve your RC-solving ability.

Critical Reasoning

This type of question presents an argument or a part of an argument, followed by a question that tests the test taker’s ability to analyze the argument’s logical structure and to draw conclusions or make inferences based on the information presented. 


Recently, scientists discovered a new strain of rice that is more resistant to pests and disease than any other known strain. This new strain has the potential to revolutionize rice farming and greatly increase global rice yields. Proponents of organic farming and those against the use of chemical fertilizers have been aggressively pushing policymakers for regulations that mandate rice farmers to use the new strain. Many countries globally are deliberating on similar mandates in a bid to increase rice yields and reduce dependency on imports. 

Which of the following, if true, raises the most serious doubt concerning the feasibility of using the new strain to increase global rice yields?

  1. The new strain of rice requires more water than other strains, making it ill-suited for cultivation in arid regions
  2. The cost of the new technology required to produce the new strain is prohibitive for most farmers in developing and developed countries
  3. The new strain of rice has a longer growing cycle than existing strains, which does not allow for multiple harvests in a single growing season.
  4. A preliminary study notes that the taste of the new strain is not on par with some in-demand existing strains, making the prospect of selling the new strain quite uncertain.
  5. The difficulty of cultivating the new strain is considerably great, and it can only be cultivated by those with some prior expertise.

Option B is the correct choice; let us examine why:

  • Option A: While this may limit the regions where the new strain can be grown, it does not necessarily mean that the new strain cannot be used to increase global rice yields. There are still many regions around the world where water is not a limiting factor for rice cultivation.
  • Option B: This option raises serious doubts about the feasibility of using the new strain to increase global rice yields because if the cost of the technology required to produce the new strain is prohibitively expensive, then it will be difficult for most farmers in both developing and developed countries to adopt the new strain. This means that the benefits of the new strain will only be available to very few farmers who can afford the technology, which will not lead to a significant increase in global rice yields.
  • Option C: Although a longer growing cycle may limit the number of harvests per season, it does not necessarily mean that the new strain cannot be used to increase global rice yields. A longer growing cycle
  • may be offset by other benefits, such as higher yield per crop, or by staggered planting cycles to maximize crop yield over time.
  • Option D: Though taste is an important factor for consumer acceptance, it does not necessarily limit the use of the new strain for increasing global rice yields. The new strain may still be adopted for cultivation in regions where other factors, such as resistance to pests and disease, are more important.
  • Option E: While the difficulty of cultivation may limit the adoption of the new strain, it does not necessarily mean that the new strain cannot be used to increase global rice yields. With appropriate training and education, farmers can learn how to cultivate the new strain effectively, and the new strain may still provide benefits in regions where it is adopted.

Hence, Option B is the correct choice.

Sentence Correction

The Sentence Correction questions present a sentence, part of which is underlined, followed by five options for the underlined section. The test taker must choose the option that corrects the sentence’s grammatical error or improves the sentence’s clarity and concision i.e, the Meaning. 


Although globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it has also facilitated the exchange of ideas and enriching our understanding of diverse perspectives.

  1. Although globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it has also facilitated the exchange of ideas and enriching.
  2. Although globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it also facilitates the exchange of ideas and enriched.
  3. While globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it has also facilitated the exchange of ideas and enriched.
  4. Although globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it had also facilitated the exchange of ideas and enriched.
  5. While globalization has contributed to the homogenization of cultures, it has also facilitated the exchange of ideas and enriching.

Option C is the correct option. Let us examine each option individually. 

  • The first split- Although or While: Although is used when two contrasting effects are mentioned together,
  • Here the two effects are synergistic, hence ‘While’ is better suited here.
  • The second split- enriched or enriching: Notice that the tense throughout the sentence is simple past tense, enriching would suddenly break from that trend to past continuous. Hence enriched is the correct split.

For more detailed GMAT SC solving tips, read this article on tips on Sentence Correction.

In conclusion, the GMAT Verbal Reasoning section is an essential part of the GMAT test. It requires candidates to have a good command of the English language comprehension, critical thinking, and sentence correction skills. Preparing for the GMAT Verbal section can be challenging, but with the right strategies and practice, you can surely increase your chances of success.

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All the best!

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